Joy vs pleasure

I know some people who are in my age range, even in my class, who have been chain smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc., and I know some people who are in my age range and younger than me who have been educators, social workers, etc. Now, what is the difference between these two categories of people?

It's joy and pleasure.

Yes, it sounds like some, but it's actually a huge difference.

The word 'joy' means permanent happiness that doesn't have any dangerous consequences in the future.

Pleasure means temporary happiness, which just gives an adrenalin rush and dopamine perk for a moment but has dangerous consequences in the future.

Many people run behind the short-term happiness that is pleasure because it's easily available to us. But joy is only available in one place, which is our mind.

It's all about the choices that we make. I personally know a girl who is my junior. She is extremely talented and learned the entire 12th subject within her summer holiday( which includes all group subjects as well) to take tuition.

If she wants to enjoy her holidays, she can, but she made the choice to invest her time to earn money.

I want to say that our lives are always in our hands, so live accordingly.


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