Sleep is important

Every living being, right from plants to humans, has the routine to sleep.

What is sleep?

I'm not going to talk about scientific sleep, but from my perspective.

Sleep is the process where all the beings are dead and some may roam as ghosts (dreaming), and due to the recall, some may again get back to our lives (waking up) and some may not (death).

Sleep is the most important thing to all living beings. If a mobile phone, laptop, desktop, or any other gadget is overused, it will generate heat. Like that, we humans become sick or are intended to get nerve problems or brain problems if we lack sleep.

Lack of sleep makes a man mad. Yes, it's true.

In World War II, the Russian army captured the enemy troops and sealed them in a large container that contained all the basic necessities like food, clothes, washrooms, and entertainment items like books, magazines, and playing things. But in that container, the Russian scientists periodically released gas, which made the inmate unable to sleep. This process continued for 30 days. They unsealed the container after 30 days, and they found most of them died because of the inmates who ripped their skin and removed bones from their bodies. All the inmates throats burst due to the high pressure from screaming loudly. Due to a lack of sleep, they became mad, hurt themselves, and died.

So I request that you all maintain decent sleep and live a healthy life.



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